
15 Benefits of Guava for Health and Beauty

11 min read
Nothing wrong if the fruit and vegetables are always the food of choice to maintain health because it is proven to contain various nutrients and important compounds needed by the body. No wonder also if less eat fruits and vegetables are often accused as the cause of the disease. One of the many fruits and vegetables are delicious and beneficial to health is guava klutuk. The fruit is also known as guava or guava stone is very easy to find in our country. Although not a native plant of Indonesia. This fruit comes from Brazil and has the Latin name psidium guajava.
Guava can be easily recognized by its green skin tone and reddish red to red flesh with small seeds in it. Not only delicious fruit and guava leaf klutuk known to be beneficial to health. This is supported by nutritional content and important compounds such as vitamin C, lycopene, flavonoids, phytonutrients, folate, potassium benefits , and vitamin A benefits it has. Here are some benefits of guava or guava benefits for health and beauty:

1. Improve immunity
Immunity is an important factor that affects the health of a person. With good immunity will automatically increase the body's defense against attacks of various viruses or bacteria so the body is not easily infected with the disease. The content of vitamin C benefits found in guava can help boost immunity so that fruit is highly recommended for consumption in adequate portions. Fruit or other food sources are also highly recommended to boost immunity including benefits of mango golek , remayung benefits , and benefits of barking pondoh fruit .
2. Anti Tumor
Tumors as the beginning of the development of cancer is something that is avoided and feared by many people. Once heard the diagnosis of the tumor most people immediately feel panicked and sad. To prevent it there are many ways that can be done such as by eating healthy and natural foods such as Tahitian noni benefits , the benefits of the fruit ndaru god , and of course guava klutuk. The content of lycopene compounds in guava can help prevent you from tumors.
3. Prevent cancer
In addition to anti-tumor consumption of guava also beneficial to prevent the development of cancerous tumors. The content of antioxidants in the form of flavonoids and vitamin C in guava can prevent the development of body cells become abnormal to become cancer. Another natural way to prevent cancer is to use the benefits of apricots and the benefits of Moringa leaves for cancer .
4. Overcoming cough
Guava leaves can also be used as a natural remedy for cough. Although there are already a variety of ready-to-drink medicines like the benefits of ambroxol medications,  but if you are concerned about the side effects and prefer a natural way then a concoction of cashew leaf can be an option.
5. Overcoming diarrhea
Other diseases that can also be overcome by using a leaf blend klutuk is diarrhea. Yes, the disease is characterized by symptoms of too frequent bowel movements and dilute this can be overcome by drinking boiled leaf water klutuk. Diarrhea can also be overcome by other natural means such as using the benefits of boiled cucumber  and the benefits of lo han kuo .

6. Good for eye health
Not only vitamin C guava also rich in vitamin A so it is very useful to support the health of the eyes and prevent from various eye diseases. This can be a good alternative of fruit besides the benefits of carrots for the eyes and the benefits of tomatoes for the eyes .
7. Good for digestion
Benefits of cashew snails are also very good for health and smooth digestion. The benefits of fiber contained in this fruit can help digestion so that the juice can be absorbed properly and the rest is disposed of as smooth as feces. There is no such thing as constipation or constipation. In addition to fiber, the content of lycopene in guava also supports digestive health so that add value to this fruit.
8. Makes healthy skin
Diligent eating guava also has a positive effect on beauty, especially skin beauty. The content of vitamin A is very important and needed by the skin to stay healthy and look beautiful. Although it has many beauty products to nourish the skin such as the benefits of amoorea soap  and the benefits of natur e but the natural way is certainly preferred because of minimal side effects.
9. Prevent premature aging
The appearance of wrinkles on the face that is too fast certainly not wanted by anyone. To prevent the onset of symptoms of premature aging, you should consider the food consumed daily. One of the recommended is the consumption of fruits such as cashew klutuk because it is rich in antioxidant content. As is known antioxidant benefits are needed by the body to combat free radicals that cause the occurrence of premature aging. In addition to keeping food applying a healthy lifestyle such as sports benefits for youth can also prevent premature aging.
10. Diet foods
Guava can also be a choice of fruit for those of you who are dieting. Fiber contained in this fruit can make the stomach feel full longer so as to prevent you from overeating. Some other foods that can also be an option when dieting is a benefit of raisins for diet , kale benefits for diet , and the benefits of rambutan for diet .
11. Nourish the thyroid
Mineral content in the form of copper in guava can help nourish the thyroid gland. As is known thyroid gland plays an important role in hormonal regulation so that various body functions can be implemented properly.
12. Overcoming diabetes
For those of you guava cashew snails can be the right food alternative because it can help keep blood sugar levels to remain stable. It's sweet and fresh to make this fruit as a snack right remember diabetics can not eat foods including sweet foods carelessly.
13. Lowering blood pressure
Blood pressure is too high is not good for health because it can cause various dangerous complications can be life threatening. To help lower blood pressure guava consumption can be an appropriate choice other natural ingredients such as noni benefits for hypertension  and coriander benefits for high blood .

14. Solve skin problems
Having a healthy skin and protected from various spots and stains is the desire of all people, especially women. In addition to external treatments such as the benefits of facial detox  and chemical peeling benefits you should also eat foods rich in vitamin C and other essential nutrients such as guava to maintain skin health and skin problems from the inside.
15. Good for hair health
Not only for the health of cashew nut consumption chutuk rich nutrients can also support hair health so that hair becomes healthier and certainly look more beautiful. Other natural ingredients that can also be used to maintain healthy hair include the benefits of pineapple for hair  and the benefits of lime for hair health .
That is among the benefits of cashew klutuk not only good for health but also a positive effect on beauty. Therefore it is not wrong to say the consumption of guava is a good way to healthy and beautiful. However, excessive consumption of this fruit is also not recommended because anything that is not good in excessive in life. Simply consume and enjoy the benefits.
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